Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Ray's First Doctor's Visit

Ray had his first doctor's appointment today: he has a bulging ear drum and they've put him on antibiotics for the next 10 days, but if you could all keep him in your prayers and pray that we'll be patient with him (we were up at 4:30 this morning with him).  Thank you!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Finger Biting

Ray has started putting his finger in Brooks mouth, laughing, then Brooks laughs and then they both end up hysterically laughing back and forth.  Eventually, we'll end up with a video like this:


But, for now, I'm loving doing the dishes and listening to the two of them.  :)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Tender mercies

Today in sacrament meeting I was going to bear my testimony, but there wasn't time, unlike normal months there were no lulls, so I thought it would be appropriate to share some feelings with you here.  I want you all to know that we are so blessed - God truly is in our lives.  He knows the end from the beginning, and if we would just put our trust in Him, just have faith, then things would work out right.  This spring when we were planting the garden, never have we planted potatoes as early as we did this year.  We didn't know if they would freeze or what, but Heavenly Father knew - He knew we would have a great harvest and that we needed to get it in early.  Everything in the garden went smooth this year, I believe because Heavenly Father knew that Glenn and Allie would be moving and we would need to have the garden taken care of so we could help them.  What a tender mercy, others might not see it that way, but I truly believe that God is in the details of our lives.  He wants to bless us, He wants us to be happy so He showers us with tender mercies, we just have to see them.  I know that God lives and loves us.  I know that He sent His Son here to earth for each of us, the atonement works for each of us, we just have to have faith and use it.  We can become a forever family, let's each of us work hard to make that happen - because I don't know about you but I want to be with all of you forever.  I challenge each of us to take a moment each day and see what tender mercy our Heavenly Father has given us that day, and then to thank Him for blessing us so much.  I love you all.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Thanks Allie

Allie thanks for getting this set up for us, I think it will be great way for all of us to connect.  I am sure that I will need some "lessons" on how to use it, but that shouldn't surprise anyone. Hopefully we will all get connected soon.  Love you.


Mom asked me to put this blog together so that we can share stories, pictures, videos, etc. that allow us to keep in touch, regardless of how far apart we are.  Feel free to post as much/often as you'd like.  Love you guys!